8 Ways to Supercharge Your Attention and Focus

8 Ways to Supercharge Your Attention and Focus

We all have off days.  Sluggishness, lack of productivity, zero motivation – sound familiar? Especially around the holidays, those days seem all too common and frequent for some of us! Those off days can make it hard to remember even the simple things, like where you...
How Hemp Works in the Body

How Hemp Works in the Body

If you’re here, chances are you’re already familiar with THC or CBD to some capacity. The effects of these hemp compounds, AKA cannabinoids, are a hot topic nowadays. But what might not be so readily understood is how these compounds do what they do. Our guide aims to...
Vape Cartridges vs Disposables: What’s the Difference?

Vape Cartridges vs Disposables: What’s the Difference?

Vaping is a part of daily life for many consumers nowadays. And hemp and cannabis carts and disposables might be even more popular than their nicotine forefathers. However, not all vaping is equal, which brings us to the question for our guide. What’s the difference...
10 Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

10 Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

It’s common knowledge getting a better night’s sleep is an important part of everyone’s day. But sleep may not always come easy or feel as beneficial as it should. People who get a full eight hours can even wake up feeling groggy, mentally foggy, or still...
Top Potential Health Benefits of Mushrooms Daily

Top Potential Health Benefits of Mushrooms Daily

Most of the world is already familiar with the fungal family of mushrooms. Almost every culture has an old-world recipe that uses this abundant resource to bring a meal to delicious new heights. But what is less known is how impactful these little additions can be....
10 Best Herbs to Mix with Cannabis

10 Best Herbs to Mix with Cannabis

As time passes, cannabis has become a staple in the US. No longer are CBD and other cannabis compounds talked about in a negative tone. Public acceptance soars as states continue to legalize cannabis for different uses. What many cannabis users may not be familiar...